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In this blog we will be sharing a deep dive into the Insights and flavors of SAP Readiness Check  2.0 which helps Customer to evaluate their Current ECC System for getting ready for the Adoption of S/4HANA.

Introduction -

SAP Readiness Check 2.0  is an  assertive Tool Which helps Customer in various ways for letting them know the best feasible way for setting up the Road map to S/4HANA. As We know S/4HANA brings in features Like -

  • Digital Transformation & Landscape Simplification

  • Process Simplification

  • Improved Analytics

  • Enhanced UX

Thus  , SAP Readiness Check 2.0   assess Various  insights  which eases out and enlightens various aspects  through S/4HANA assessment  to establish the impact of S/4HANA on your business model and to determine if, and to what degree - S/4HANA brings benefits to business processes as well as application & technology infrastructure

SAP Readiness Check 2.0  is key tool to assess compatibility and potential issues on the road to S/4HANA. The tool provides the detailed analysis of the conversion impacts for any customer environment which cover Consistency, Business process impact and improvements, Functional and UI impacts, Custom code impacts,

The tool provides a one stop solution to assess current systems and landscape along with business process and technology and provides detailed outcome on impacts, improvement and innovations applicable. Using the outcome of the report the customer can evaluate various options and recommendation on best fit and can decide on the roadmap and accelerators to reduce cost and manage risks. The customer can use the report to derive the benefits achieved by migrating to S/4HANA

Thus in this blog We would be sharing a complete offering that come as a output of SAP Readiness Check 2.0 in terms of features and flavors.

SRC 2.0 Features

This Section describes the various features aligning various offering under SRC2.0 to help the Customer for sighting Roadmap to S/4 HANA.

  • Look and UX


One of the key featurs of SRC2.0 is that it uses the SAP Fiori UI rather than the traditional SAP GUI.

SAP Fiori is a collection of commonly used S/4HANA functions that are displayed in a simple, consumer-ready tile design and that can be accessed across various devices, including desktops, tablets and mobile devices.Also it helps in to understand and prepare Analytics while creating Roadmap to S/4HANA. It has a newly embedded Dashboard which is created in Fiori3.0  which portrays the looks and features dominantly.

Key Takeaways -

Covers Many area and the Insights are very much helpful for creating a Conversion Road map.
Access for Editing and updating the comments also helps in filtering out the specific insights in an better manner.

  • Simplification Items and Activities Related to Simplification Items

  • SAP Readiness Check provides Relevancy Stats for all the Simplifications items that are being evaluated as a part of execution of the report under this Check.  The simplification items are identified according to factors such as transactions used (USAGE that logs in ST03N), and the Configuration maintained at the system level . The simplification items Relevancy stats are one of the most important means of preparing your  Conversion from ECC to S/4HANA,

Key Takeaways

Simplifications items shows Relevant Simplification Items. Also It helps in letting you know what are simplifications are relevant for your business based on usage analytics. Prioritization of Items helps in better planning of Works. Consistency Checks are also helpful in letting mark Activities as Mandatory, Conditional or optional. Also Item Level Insights shows up the granularity stating a deep dive into all kind of Conversion Readiness and Relevancy checks issues.


  • Compatibility of Add-Ons and Business Functions

All Kind of Addons must be Categorized before the start of the actual conversion as S/4HANA Complaint or not. For Business Functions there stat should also needs to be validated as Switched Off will become switched On Or Very Rare Switch Off will become Switched on.

Ad dons Compatibility mentioned as the output of SRC2.0. The same can be re validated by referring CSD as to get the compatibility w.r.t. S/4HANA Version
Also for Business Functions the Functionality Insight has been provided.

Key Takeaways
Knowing the BF stats helps to understand and take decisions in advance in case of any BF which is getting switched off after conversion.
Knowing the status of Addons helps to followup with the vendor to safeguard and attain a safe lead time in the actual conversion.

  •  SAP S/4HANA Sizing and Data Volume Management



In order to convert to SAP S/4HANA, SRC2.0 executes SAP Sizing report on Production or Production copy also it evaluates the DATA aging for the Objects Table which are needs to be archived and help in saving the deteriorating DB Space.

Key Takeaways
SRC2.0 sizing report gives estimate size. Also it enables the  planning to include future growth considering scale up using  interactive options under which  UI is quite elaborative showcasing the sizing impacts in SAP Readiness Check 2.0  Data Cleansing is one of the critical activities you must perform before bringing your SAP systems into HANA . Reduced data foot print will also reduce your infrastructure, hardware and SAP HANA licensing costs. In SRC2.0 Data volume management has also been considered before the system conversion to SAP S/4HANA in order
To reduce the amount of data to be converted ( impacts downtime and complexity of migration )
To reduce the amount of data in memory
To reduce the cost of HANA hardware

  •  Recommended SAP Fiori Apps


The SRC2.0 Fiori Recommendations are being plotted based on the usage induced through the ST03N Data also it will highlight the specific Lighthouse Apps which are utmost important in ters of the transaction usage observed in the system in which check has been executed.

Keys takeaways

- SAP Readiness Check takes your existing SAP ERP Transaction usage as a basis for SAP Fiori app recommendations.
-SAP Readiness Check will automatically recommend relevant Business Roles and related SAP Fiori apps likely to be of most interest.
- Navigation provided to library from the produced list

  • Integration (Interface Analysis)


The SRC2.0 Integration Dashboard offering is divided into two sections - BW extractors and Idoc Interfaces.
For BW Extractors are patterns has been divided as Working ,Not Working , Obsolete which helping to see the impacts over S/4 Conversion
For Idocs interfaces it will list Down the Blacklisted Idocs Eg. RFCs Whose relevance would not be existing post migration and may results in Dumps.

Key Takeaways

- Integration sections Helps in proper planning of S/4 Conversion in terms of Connecting inbound /Outbound Interfaces.
-Idoc section is the new section introduced with SRC2.0 and in future we may see more Sections coming in here.

  •  Business Process Discovery


This Section Of SRC2.0 offers identification for the inefficient business Processes and offers improvement to get better prepared for the conversion to S/4HANA.This basically drives the Key performance indicator values dividing patterns into four specific streams.

Working capital- In this section it will highlights the KPI indicating how much adherence you bear terms of making a payment and getting a payment.

Process automation- In this section it will highlights the KPIs indicating Areas where Business Optimization is still possible and how much Business Documents entities has been created and can be optimized.

Transnational backlog - In this Section it will highlight the KPIs that gives an overview old open and overdue Business Documents that needs to be worked before archiving them or moving into S/4HANA. These key figures can also have an impact on SAP S/4HANA topics such as fast closing, MRP planning, and inventory optimization.

Nonstandard order types - In This section It will Highlights the KPIs that gives an overview of the different Document types has been customized and used in the current business Solution

Key Takeaways -

The BPD will not have an impact on the Technical S/4HANA Conversions but its highlights enables the systems health in an better way to Adopt S/4HANA.

  • Custom Code Analysis

Custom Code is the Key Area for any Customer aspiring for an Conversion of the Existing ECC system into S/4HANA. Thus in order to ease out the Custom Code analysis This Section of SRC 2.0 Has been enhanced stating various offerings as Issues occurred and Which of these issues has the crossover on the Quickfix Support to bring in the Automation Aspect in the CC Analysis. Also It will Highlight the As is part of the Custom Code w.r.t to simplification items stating the S/4 Impacts via ATC using S4_Readiness_XXX Variant. Also It will categorize which change is to be done in scope with Quick fix support available or not.

  •  Business Partner/CVI

Customer-Vendor Integration (CVI) is a mandatory activity before the conversion of ECC to S/4HANA and often requires considerable efforts. CVI is not purely a technical activity, rather, a significant part depends on business inputs and decisions. Clients also see CVI an opportunity to further improve the quality of their partner data. Thus it becomes imperative to understand “as is” for the key elements which needs business inputs to decide the “to be”. SRC 2.0 CVI helps in providing the insights about the key elements like number of Customers and Vendors . UnSynchronized patterns and partner functions that need s to be synchronized and helps in making the information available immediately to decide and design the target BP roles and saves efforts.
Key takeaways

This insight should be used as a first step when preparing for the CVI, when CVI is still not planned.

  • SAP Innovative Business Solutions (IBSO)

There is a Division in SAP named SAP Innovative Business Solutions which details a series of new personified Solutions created considering specific LOBs. Thus this section Enables and offers Customer to get Help from SAP by judging the Solutions capability in S/4HANA Enviorment based on the Business need.Please refer the SAP  link here for more details on this.

  •  Innovation Potential

This will enlighten customer about the business drivers that can be leveraged up to a higher level to bring innovation Potential aligning your current ECC system.. Please refer the SAP  link here for more details on this.

 SRC 2.0  Flavors

  • SAP Readiness Check 2 0 Can be Executed via two Options as Described below.


Discovery Phase

Refer  SAP Note 2758146

Execute program RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA in transaction SA38 in the production /Production copy system to download all checks except the consistency check in the zip file (more content information below) with two steps.

  • First step, make sure "Simplification Item Consistency" checkbox is NOT selected and click the button “Schedule Analysis” to schedule a job to collect data

  • Second step click the button “Download Analysis Data” after the job is completed.

Mandates for this phase

  • If you do not have the minimum ST-PI version (for 700 >=SP17 or for 740 >=SP07) unmark the checkbox for Data Volume Management and HANA Sizing Data.

  • If you cannot use the production system, you can also use the copy of production system with additional steps: download usage data from production system and upload into the copy system following the SAP Note 2568736.  This will bring ST03N data only, it will not reflect the other optional checks such as DVM, BPA, IDOC, HANA Sizing and so on.

  • RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATAwill trigger several different background jobs based on the options you’ve selected. You must check the job logs to ensure the data was collected properly.


  • TMW_RC_BPA_DATA_COLL for BPA/BPD data collection

  • TMW_RC_HANAS_DATA_COLL and /SDF/HDB_SIZING_SM for HANA Sizing data collection


  • TMW_RC_SITEM_DATA_COLL for Simplification Item Check data collection

  • Schedule program SYCM_DOWNLOAD_REPOSITORY_INFOas background job in the development system to download the custom code header information in one zip file. Your actual Z-code is not transferred into this file or to SAP. See 2185390 -> Solution for details.

Discovery Phase: Simplification Item Consistency not checked

 Detailed Planning Phase

Along With All the Activities executes in the Discovery phase additionally perform these to steps to conclude the analysis as Detailed Planning phase analysis..


  • If you want to deep analyses the custom code and display the aggregated ATC check results,

  • Follow the "Enable ATC check result export" (Notes) in "Detailed Planning Phase" to get the custom code zip file

Consistency Results

  • Execute program RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA in transaction SA38 in the production system to download simplification item data consistency check in the zip file (more content information below) with two steps.

  • First step make sure the checkbox "Simplification Item Consistency" is selected and click the button “Schedule Analysis” to schedule a job to collect data

  • Second step click the button “Download Analysis Data” after the Execution is completed

Detailed Phase: Simplification Item Consistency checked

 *The Snapshots/Images Portrayed taken is belonging to self source .

Conclusion :- Thus along with the remarkable outcome and feature of SAP Readiness Check  it also give a Flavor to have two type of phase Assessment Discovery and detailed. My Perception is to always op for the Detailed Assessment to ensure the correct and all the legitimate finding helpful for setting up the road map to S/4HANA. Coming up with next ones for setup and execution of these SRC 2.0 flavors. Usual Setup details refer here and the main Note to be refereed  SAP Note 2758146.

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